Now, I'm not a HUGE Skinny Puppy fan or anything, but I've got a few albums and think they're kinda cool. I really liked their "SP" logo, so in my usual tradition of creating fonts based on two or three letters from an album cover, I made "Ogilvie." It's kinda neat, I think, and is reasonably agressive-looking. Maybe good for posters or flyers or such...probably not meant for greeting cards.
2) Keymaps
I put as much in here as I could, so we've got foreign language characters, ampersands, punctuation, diacritics, the works.
3) What's in it for me?
I'm going to tack on a cheesy plea for money. Not much, tho. $5, only. Or, if you're a poor starving college student like myself, I merely ask for some email ( and perhaps the adulation of young women everywhere. :-) Email me for my current address (it chnages faster than USnail can keep up).
4) What's this Kiwi thing?
Kiwi Media is a something I started in the early days of my computer experience (hacking graphics on an Apple //c ). It sorta stuck for many years and now encompasses almost two people with assets in the tens of dollars. There is no relation to Kiwi Software involved here, which is why I don't call "Kiwi Media" anything other than "Kiwi Media." Other things I've done that are floating about out there are a few QT movies (very short 3-d rendered ones of Star Trek ships flying about), and fonts. If you have access to the WWW, you can preview my fonts at Feel free to check out the rest of that's pretty cool.
My other fonts: Devotion, Violation, Singothic, Trekbats, Technobats, Bajoran, Ambient, Ultraworld, Kroebern, Erasure.